Post #3 -- The New Thing

That fateful day in the trauma center was not much fun for that sad, old man. Yet the discovery in those chest x-rays was even more disturbing! Something new seemed to be on the horizon. Maybe it’s my entrepreneurial wiring, but Isaiah 43:18-19 has always been intriguing to me — “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?” (NIV) New things energize me. I resonate with the challenge of new things thrust upon me. Was this trauma center discovery truly another new thing? If so, how will it affect my life? As the team of doctors pored over my chest x-rays counting my six cracked ribs they noticed something unusual in my lungs. By the way, those ribs were not just “cracked”; at least some of them were completely “broken”. When walking I could feel, and thought I could hear, them bumping against one another. Anyway, those ...