Post #18 -- Feeding the Soul

I woke up this morning with a rather troubling question on my mind which I believe God put there. It went something like, “Don, is your focus these days primarily on allowing My thoughts to feed your soul … or is it on allowing TV talk show hosts and YouTube videos to fill your brain with lots of disturbing current events?” Frankly now that I think about it, the first part of that question generally energizes me, gives me hope and purpose, fills me with awe and wonder, and helps me thrive. However, the second part usually tends to anger me, cause anxiety and confusion, weakens me, and leaves me rather lost and hopeless. After allowing these words written on this page to stare back at me for a while, I found myself saying to myself — why in the world would I not clearly focus continually on allowing God’s thoughts and words to feed my soul and less on news anchors and the disastrous spin they tend to put on the news to fill my brain? Dear Reader, I am be...