Post #30 -- The Puzzle Syndrome

At the time of this writing, my wife and I are about to leave warm, sunny Florida for less-than-warm-and-sunny Pennsylvania. It has been a great two and one-half months in Florida relaxing, reading, reflecting, talking, praying, walking the beach (Marilyn), and joy-riding the scooter (Don). Sitting by the pool wasn’t too bad either! To top all this off, we had the fun of putting together nine puzzles (most had 1000 pieces) with the help of lots of visiting family and friends! We (or at least some of the puzzle team) worked endless hours laboring deeply over those puzzle pieces. As I write, I’m watching the last of these puzzles being torn apart and being put back into the box. The Futility of it All That’s when it hit me … We had lots of fun enjoying the challenge of putting each puzzle together — watching the picture piece by piece slowing come into focus. We spent countless hours laboring through the day and part of some nights seeking the right s...