Post #6 -- Living With an Eternal Perspective

Several years ago Marilyn and I, as ardent Penn State football fans, were watching an evening PSU football game that was not going well for Penn State. Normally these are exciting games, but this one was pathetic. The first quarter was terrible and the second even worse. In disgust, I set the DVR to record the game and, grumbling, went off to bed. The following morning, much to my great surprise, I was greeted by a text announcing that Penn State had won the game. I could not believe it! Later in the day, I could not resist the urge to see how they pulled off this amazing feat and sat down to watch the rest of the game. To my horror, the third quarter was not any better than what I remembered the second to be. I was soon sitting on the edge of my seat, perspiring profusely, frantically pulling at my hair and hysterically biting my figure nails — just knowing we’re going to lose this game. And then I suddenly remembered — we ...