Post #37 -- Remember When

Our daughter recently asked: “Dad, do you realize how many miracles God has done for you from 2016 until now?” Obviously there’s a backstory to that question. She knew that I was diagnosed with the physically incurable disease called Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) in 2011, and at that time the medical community gave a prognosis for longevity of three to five years after diagnosis. By that standard I should have Iived only to 2016. We had been discussing what a miracle might look like having my lungs completely restored by God, when she wisely observed the fact that there have already been many “miracles” given to us by God since 2016 until now (mid 2023) — phenomenal blessings that I would not have enjoyed had the medical prognosis been correct. That got me thinking — and REMEMBERING! Now the fact that one can be rejuvenated and encouraged by recalling good things of the past is probably not a new insight to anyone. But I still have the sense that explor...