Post #41 -- When One's Days Are Numbered

It was on April 12 of this year that I heard the following words from my pulmonologist when I asked him about the expected longevity of my journey with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: “My crystal ball isn’t all that clear, Don, but I suspect you don’t have more than several months.” As you can guess, hearing those words was not exactly all that exciting! I thought it might be helpful for me (and maybe for you too) to process some of the thoughts and feelings that spiral out of these words spoken over five months ago. I dislike making this post all about me, but working through all this is helping me personally. As I write, I feel somewhat as if you and I are sharing together over coffee and Danish pastry. That alone helps me! 😀 Obviously, none of us know how long we will live. For many people, this is an awkward subject and I will not be offended if you stop reading here. But I don’t think the subject of death and dying needs to be frightening. Don’t get me wrong. The th...