Post #11 -- The Fun of Having Fun

Meet Elmo. This friendly little guy is my editor. My sister in California, Ruth Ann, has been contracted to serve as my “Blog Editor and Administrator”, but apparently she has delegated the editing portion of that responsibility to Elmo and his red pen. Actually he’s doing a pretty incredible job correcting my prolific grammatical errors. However, he recently crossed the line by also sending me an unsolicited review comment, “Don, the posts you are writing are getting a bit too serious. You need to lighten up now and then and have some fun!” I admit I was a bit irked at first at his rather offensive brashness and am still processing his comment. But I’m beginning to think and feel, though, that Elmo might have a point about having some fun. FUN! I suspect because of my loving, but rather fundamental Christian, upbringing I’ve always unknowingly considered an emphasis on fun as rather superfluous and not part of a normal spiritual jo...