Post #20 -- What Gives Life?

Several posts ago, one of you, my Dear Readers, suggested  that it might be interesting to explore what “gives life” to our daily journey.  I agree and this post is to respond to your suggestion.  What gives life probably varies with each person.  That’s OK — God designed each of us differently.  Yet there is probably some commonality among us such that we can learn from each other and appreciate together the life that God gives to each of us.  So let’s learn together.

Marilyn and I are getting our heads together here to list the activities, thoughts, and attitudes that bring us life.  We want to share them with you and are hoping you’ll respond back with what brings life into your journey.

But first, just what is a “life-giving activity”?  Ultimately, of course, God is the one who gives life.  But He often also leads us into activities that give a sense of really living.  The dictionary says “a ‘life-giving’ activity is whatever gives or has the power to give life and spirit; whatever is invigorating”.

Each of us occasionally functions in pure exhaustion — times when every ounce of energy has been depleted and all we want to do is collapse in bed.  All around us is busyness and life full of draining, demoralizing, life-taking activities.  What we all need from time to time is a good shot of life-giving adrenalin. 


Here are some of the life-giving activities that invigorate us:

Time “hanging out” with one or more grandchildren.  Being loved by the grandkids and knowing they still want to spend time with us older folks  helps us walk with bounce in our steps!

Random acts of kindness.  Proverbs 11:25 says that “those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.”  It simply feels good and uplifting when doing a kind deed that refreshes another person.  I get enjoyment out of paying the bill of the person behind me at the Dunkin Donut drive-through window.

Quiet moments alone with God.  I like how the Passion Translation renders Psalm 73:24-25 — “You’re my place of quiet retreat and your wrap-around presence becomes my shield as I wrap myself in your Word.”  Getting into that place of “quiet retreat” as I “wrap” myself in God’s Word gives life.

Hearing an adult son close a phone call with, “I love you, Dad”  I knew my dad loved me deeply, but I never heard him say “I love you” until near the end of his life.  But then neither do I recall me telling him that I loved him until near the end — though I loved him deeply and always knew he loved me.  I find it especially life-giving now when one of our adult kids is very open with, “I love you, Dad"

Seeing our kids and grandkids walk with God. Seeing the next generations follow God is life-giving just as John 1:4 exclaims “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”  (3 John 1:4)

Reading a good book.  While curled up before a crackling fire with a good book, life looks a whole lot more tolerable.

Stamping up.  Marilyn enjoys the community of friends as together they express creativity in developing attractive cards.  This is life-giving to her.

Kind words of encouragement.  Kind, encouraging words give life.  “Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.” (Proverbs 16:24)

Unsolicited words of affirmation.  I distinctly remember nearly 45 years ago a woman Candy telling me, “Don, you’ve never met a stranger”.  I don’t remember Candy’s last name and have not seen her since, but her affirmation that I was friendly to everyone (even though I’m not sure it was warranted) made a mark in my brain.  That memory is life-giving and has probably helped me to be more outgoing and friendly.

Massaging Marilyn’s feet before sleep. Now this one may be a bit unusual and took me some time to adjust to, but I’ve found it also gives life.  I now look forward to messaging those feet!

Relaxing on the deck in the midst of a thunderstorm.  There’s something therapeutic about sitting in a safe place to watch a storm rage round me.

Riding around the neighborhood in my new scooter.  Maybe it’s because it’s a new thing, but I feel rather enlivened to simply ride around the neighborhood.  It enlarges my world and allows me to maintain contact with neighbors.  This too gives life to potentially an otherwise rather dull and routine day.  (More to follow later about my new scooter.)

Starting a new project.  I have an entrepreneurial bent.  Starting new projects gives me life.  It’s finishing these projects that causes me trouble.

Anticipating a fun activity.  Fun activities always bring life.  However, I’ve also found that the anticipation of that activity is a big part of the blessing.

Dinner, breakfast, lunch or anything out with Marilyn.  Eating “out” for us is life-giving.

Seeing a friend respond to God and grow.  As a “developer”, I’m thrilled when someone I’m mentoring or discipling shows signs of growing in his or her relationship with the Lord.  This clearly gives life!

Watching a Penn State football game.  We’re PSU fans, so watching a PSU football game gives life — though it does help if they are winning!

Enjoying good music and focusing intently on the words.  Good music is enjoyable.  But it’s also in the close focus on the words that really brings us life.

Hearing (or sensing) the voice of the Lord.  Sensing God speaking into our lives gives life.  It’s the day-by-day “renewal of the inner person” that causes rejoicing and truly brings life! (2 Corinthians 4:16-17)

Attending a Servant Stage performance.  We have thoroughly enjoyed attending Servant Stages performances here in Lancaster County, PA.  These professional quality faith-based theatrical performances give life.

Relaxing on the deck of the River House gazing out over the Susquehanna River.  I’m guessing that relaxing anywhere gives life.  But reflecting while gazing out over the river sitting on the deck that our kids have built seems to be particularly life-giving.

Receiving an encouraging text from a friend.  We frequently get a short text from a friend expressing a key quote or thought from Scripture.  That lifts the spirits!

Helping the needy.  It’s amazing how helping someone who is not capable of returning the favor gives life.  It’s just as the prophet Isaiah expresses in 58:10 — “and if you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday.”

Watching a grandchild play soccer.  Sitting on the sidelines watching one of the grandchildren play soccer makes life go better.  It’s good these games have this effect on us because we seem to attend many of them!  We love them!

Enjoying Deep Creek Lake. A highlight of every June is to gather as a family for a week at Deep Creek Lake, MD.  This week is always full of great memories and is clearly a life-giving activity for each of us.

As I read over the activities mentioned above, I’m awed by the number of activities that  occur in the context of relationships — with God or with others.  Enjoying relationships is what truly gives life!


I love you!  Everyone has the need to be loved and desires to hear the words, “I love you”.  Those words spoken on the phone, man-to-man, dad-to-daughter, mother-to-son, brother-to-brother, brother-to-sister, grandparent-to-grandchild can be a memory that lasts a lifetime.

Im proud of you!  Likewise everyone needs to feel affirmed.  Those grandkids need to know their parents and grandparents are deeply proud of them.

Im praying for you!  Everyone, and in our experience, even friends outside of faith, usually appreciate knowing that they are being prayed for.

You can do it!  Here’s a confidence booster everyone needs to hear.

I believe in you!  Each of us has a deep need to feel affirmed, accepted, and believed.  

This too shall pass!  It is very easy to lose perspective in the midst of crisis.  Every one needs to hear “this too shall pass”.  It gives life in the midst of chaos.

I’m with you all the way!   Along with my friend believing in me, I also need to know that he or she is committed to walking with me no matter what.  This gives me life!  

What a gracious God we have who gives us these extra blessings that put a bounce into our steps!


Dear Readers, we’d love to hear from you.  What are the unique activities, situations, or thoughts that give you life?  I’ll consolidate your inputs and send back via a future post.  Thanks in advance!


  1. Great post, Don, with great life-giving statements! If I may, I'd like to add another one: "I forgive you" - whether a person is on the giving end or receiving end of that. It's a bit different from the other statements you listed, but I think powerfully life-giving as well. Would love to hear what your readers think about this.

    1. Great comment, Sis! Giving and receiving forgiveness is a powerful, godly thing to do! And godly things give life! Let's see what other readers have to say.

  2. Let's not forget giving and receiving hugs (if the person permits it) . They have been mentally and medically proven to boost low moods and promote good feelings as well.

    1. Thanks Barry. You are absolutely right. Hugs go a long way toward making life a bit brighter!

  3. Don, This is a wonderful list. You must have found yesterday afternoon's PSU game very much in this category. On a more serious note, I have found myself recently starting to think in these very same terms: what is life-giving to me at this time of life. My mental list has many similarities with that you and Marilyn generated. And like you, I feel that there are definitely differences among us as individuals and differences in our individual lists at different life stages. Jack

    1. You are right, Jack. The PSU game "gave life" -- though the previous week's game did not! Jack when you get a chance, we'd love to hear of some of the unique activities that give life to you and Pat!


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