Post #29 -- Anchored in Jesus (Part 3)
In my last two posts, I discussed our process of grieving after the untimely death of our grandson. I shared the feelings of “living in a fog” and of a sense of “disconnectedness” from God. But I also shared how the concept of being deeply anchored in Jesus (Hebrews 6: 18b-19) held us steady during this time. In the last post, I specifically shared of the importance of “prior emotional and spiritual preparation” before a crisis hits — and how this carried us through grieving. I also shared of learning that feelings must not define me. I want to follow in this post with two more lessons which I believe God prepared us to learn and appreciate. It has been said that it’s in our pain that we learn our most valuable lessons. We’re learning! When I Can No Longer Walk, He Will Carry Me Frankly, my frustration was that when I needed God the most I seemed unable to connect with Him. Where is He? Why isn’t He here to comfort us in our g...