Post #32 -- When the Boundary Lines Close in on Me

In a previous post (Post #13), I wrote about boundary lines being good things that can form “limits” or “fences” around us or our lifestyles and thus enable us to experience living connected with our true inner core values to the glory of God. Whenever we step outside these limits, we potentially step into murky waters and reap a natural consequence for it. However what happens when one begins to experience these boundary lines becoming more and more pronounced and closed in to the extent that it feels like there is little personal freedom left to do what one normally enjoys doing? In this case, can I rejoice that the “boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places” and be grateful for the “delightful inheritances” as King David did in Psalm 16:5-6? “ Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” NIV I feel it woul...