Post #42 -- The Gift of Music

I'm finding that God often meets my deepest needs primarily through three different avenues—through His Word, through friends and family, and through music.  I’ve discussed at length in previous posts the blessings and value of constantly being “wrapped” in God’s Word (Psalm 119:114 TPT). I’ve also discussed how God is using the friendship and support of family and friends to keep me going. On occasion, I’ve included a song in a post that was encouraging me, but without expressing just how meaningful that particular song was to me. 

Hence, the purpose of this post is to identify and enjoy again some of these songs that have been encouraging me and drawing me closer to the heart of God. Actually, this could be more for my benefit than yours. But I welcome you to join with me in this delightful journey, as you wish.

I realize that everyone’s choice of songs differs. I am simply identifying a few songs that have been especially encouraging to me during the last several years. Some are “oldies.” Others are more contemporary. I pray that you will enjoy the journey with me through these songs. I find that, in many cases, my passion for God is most stirred when I can simultaneously listen to the music of the song while also pondering on the lyrics. I include some lyrics here for you, but not all. I’d include the complete lyrics, but that would make a longer post than either you or I want. All of these songs have the lyrics embedded in the video, except one. In that case, I tell you how to get the lyrics. My encouragement is to not only enjoy the music, but to also to meditate deeply on the words and let them take you to the heart of God. These songs are arranged such that you can pick and choose those songs to which you’d like to listen.

Song #1"Great Are You Lord" by Sons and Daughters. Probably more than any other song, this song has become my “theme song” throughout this medical journey. This song ministers deeply to me, especially the following words which I find myself quietly singing over and over again.

It’s Your breath in our lungs

So we pour out our praise, we pour out our praise

It’s Your breath in our lungs

So we pour out our praise to You only.

All the earth will shout your praise

Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing

Great are You, Lord

All the earth will shout Your praise

Our hearts will cry, these bones will sing

Great are You, Lord.

As I listen to the words of this song, I’m gripped again by the awesome awareness that our Great  Lord loves me and it’s by His breath that I can do anything! I sense a growing love and passion for the Lord and I’m motivated to more deeply praise Him. Obviously, for me these words, “It’s your breath in our lungs,” are particularly relevant in my medical journey. Several people, especially my sisters, have been reminding me that when they hear this song they add my name to the lyrics. Thanks, Ruth Ann and Dottie! I draw great comfort from the knowledge that with His breath in my lungs, I can praise Him to my very last breath (Psalm 104:33)! I find myself visualizing what it might be like when all the world will shout His praise! 

Song #2"Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me" by CityAlight. The theme of this song is that Jesus is our only hope and that apart from Him we have no good thing. It lovingly describes the desire to follow God and the blessings that come from following Him.

With every breath I long to follow Jesus

For He has said that He will bring me home

And day by day I know He will renew me

Until I stand with joy before the throne

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus

All the glory evermore to Him

When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat

Yet not I, but through Christ in me

What a calming and peaceful effect this song has on me as I listen intently to the words. It causes my heart to soar! I become aware that it’s because of Christ in me that I am who I am and can hold on to the hope that when my own race is complete, still my lips will repeat, “Yet not I, but through Christ in me!” While listening to this song, I feel the wraparound presence of Jesus (Psalm 119:114 TPT). I am also so grateful for the assurance that He continues day by day to “renew” me, bringing to mind 2 Corinthians 4:16, “though outwardly we are wasting away, inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” I find myself repeatedly whispering softly, “Thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus”! What a blessing!

Song #3"Thrive" by Casting Crowns. This is another theme song that aptly focuses on the journey from surviving to thriving and has been a motivation behind the launch of the blog, “A Journey from Surviving to Thriving.”

So living water flowing through

God, we thirst for more of You

Fill our hearts and flood our souls with one desire

Just to know You and to make You known

We lift Your name on high

Shine like the sun, make darkness run and hide

We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives

It's time for us to more than just survive

We were made to thrive

This song fills me with gratefulness. Enjoying these words warms my heart as I reflect on the many ways God has caused me to thrive in some rather tough circumstances. I praise God for that “Living Water”! I am encouraged as I rest in the awareness that it’s His plan that we are made to not just survive, but to thrive. My devotional times take on new depth knowing that I’m in the center of God’s will when I seek to thrive for His glory. I’m thrilled also as this song touches a life mission of mine—that our souls be flooded with one desire to know Him and to make Him known. That causes me to thrive!

Song #4"One Pair of Hands" by Carroll Roberson. Carroll reminds us what those hands have done for us: formed the mountains, formed the sea, made the sun and the moon, every bird, every flower, every tree, formed the valleys, the ocean, the rivers and the sand. He encourages us to put our faith in that one pair of hands. 

One pair of hands, healed the sick

One pair of hands raised the dead

One pair of hands calmed the raging storm

And thousands of people were fed

One pair of hands said I love you

And those hands were nailed to a tree

Those hands are so strong, so when life goes wrong

Put your faith into one pair of hands

This song truly motivates me to truly worship God and causes me to have even greater confidence in Him. Not long ago, Marilyn and I were hurriedly on our way to the hospital ER with a high fever I had developed, not knowing that I’d receive a scenic tour of the hospital for the next week while they treated what turned out to be Covid. This is the song that kept running through my mind. There, in the car on our way to the hospital, I clearly I knew in whose hands we really were. Several days later while I was still in the hospital, Marilyn also tested positive for Covid. How important is was at that point especially to know that we were being cared for by that protective one pair of hands. Meditating on all that this pair of hands has done for me helps me to “feel” at rest with a deeper closeness with God. Visually I see myself being held in his hands. It’s a great feeling of tremendous comfort and restedness!

Song #5"It is Well With My Soul" by Hugh Bonneville. This timeless song will thrill the heart of every follower of Jesus. Sung by Hugh Bonneville as part of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Narration Concert, this song warms the soul and provides insight into the unusual context in which the song was developed. The song effectively highlights the fact that there’s a brightly shining lining around every cloud. 

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come

Let this blest assurance control

That Christ has regarded my helpless estate

And hath shed His own blood for my soul

When peace like a river, attendeth my way

When sorrows like sea billows roll

Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say

It is well, it is well, with my soul

There is something very special about this song. It encourages my heart as it delightfully reminds me that whether my circumstances are really great or downright lousy, my soul can be at rest. As I ponder these words, my heart joyfully responds to this great message of hope and vision.

Song #6"In the Eye of the Storm" by Ryan Stevenson. This contemporary song captures the exciting promise that, while standing in the eye of the storm that rages around us, we can enjoy His protection as He guards our soul. He is our anchor!

When the test comes in and the doctor says 

I've only got a few months left

It's like a bitter pill I'm swallowing

I can barely take a breath

In the eye of the storm, You remain in control

In the middle of the war, You guard my soul

You alone are the anchor, when my sails are torn

Your love surrounds me 

(Google the web for complete lyrics for “Eye of the Storm.”)

Especially during the time I wrote the post on “Living in the Eye of the Storm,” this song has been, and still is, so very life-giving to me. It’s in the eye of the storm that one can calmly take the news that he or she has “only a few months left.” What a privilege we have, as followers of Jesus, to live calmly and peacefully in the eye of that storm all around us. The words of this song build in me a sense of confidence, peace, and faith that God will always be with me there in the eye of any storm.

Song #7"You Are the Anchor" by Greg Sykes. Greg sings about the great strength we have in Jesus as we trust Him as our Anchor. Even when the winds and chaos blow, He is our Anchor! 

Even when the wind and the chaos blow

You are the anchor

Deeper than the cry of a broken heart

Stronger than the sorrow

Even when the wind and the chaos blow

You are the anchor

This song held a special place in our hearts late in 2022 during the period of our grandson’s untimely death. Even now nearly 10 months later, as I recall the powerful anchor Jesus was to us during that time, I am greatly encouraged and even more determined to trust that Anchor, no matter what comes. My heart is warmed. I feel secure and very grateful as I enjoy this song.

Song #8"Build a Boat" by Colton Dixon. This song can potentially push the comfort limits of us “older folks.” But it has been a favorite of one of our granddaughters. The message has captured my heart also and I thought I’d include it here. It is a message of faith, hope, and love that never fails.

Everything You say is gonna happen

Even though I haven't seen it yet 

I will build a boat in the sand where they say it never rains

I will stand up in faith, I'll do anything it takes

Oh, to have the faith of Noah to build a boat in the desert where it never rains as a protection against the rain storm that has not yet come! And when that rain does come and the flood water starts to rise, I know I’ll ride the storm because I have Jesus by my side!

Listening to that song, I enjoy a feeling of being safe and secure knowing that God has it all under His sovereign control. What a confidence this brings to my heart!

Song #9"You Are Mine" by David Haas. David sings about God’s invitation to each of us to come and meet with Him in silence and in that silence to hear His voice. He desires us to be still and know that He is near—and that He loves us as He calls us by name.

Do not be afraid, I am with you 

I have called you each by name 

Come and follow Me

I will bring you home

I love you and you are mine  

This song gently reminds me of my true identity as He calls me by name.  I’m a son of the King of the universe! The song really helps me to get close to the heart of God as I trust Him and follow Him.

Song #10"Find us Faithful" by Steve Green. Steve reminds us of the great benefits we are enjoying today from the lives of those who have gone on before us. But he also reminds us that we have a responsibility to others today. We are running spiritually not only for the prize, but we run also to lead the way as an example to those who follow.

O may all who come behind us, find us faithful 

May the fire of our devotion light their way 

May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe

And the lives we live, inspire them to obey

I find in this song a tremendous incentive to keep my eyes on Jesus and follow Him, realizing the potential that my life has to inspire others to follow Him. I find my heart being unusually warmed as I think about how I respond to God and how this medical journey may in some small way help those who follow. May all who came behind us find us faithful!


Listening intently to these songs, pondering over the words, and processing my thoughts stirred up by them has been a rewarding experience for me. Actually, I listened to these songs and drafted this post from my bed late at night during my hospital stay about a month ago. I suspect God gave me that extra time to focus on some special blessings He had for me.

Without doubt, that was an exhilarating spiritual experience for me while I was in the hospital—and I praise God for that. Here are three very practical observations that emerged from that time with the Lord as I walked with Him through these songs.

    • First, I felt surprisingly rested during that period of time. The clear message of these songs had a distinct calming effect on me.
    • Second, possibly related to the first, the rate of my breathing seemed to distinctively slow down. Usually even at rest, my breathing is somewhat elevated, especially in a strange hospital setting. But this was different.  Here I was almost totally calm.
    • Third, I seemed to have been energized, even though I had been working several hours beyond my regular bedtime. Each day in the hospital, I had been rather fatigued the first part of the day due to the typical hospital schedule, but I found that after several hours of this time with the Lord, I was still going strong and did not want to stop. I was floored by how much energy I had, when by all accounts I should have been tired to the bone!

So how does one explain all this? Some might suggest that I had been “anxious” and that listening to these songs simply took my mind off my heavy breathing and allowed that labored breathing to “settle down” and even help me be more energized. I suppose that could be an element here.

But personally, I am choosing to believe that the bigger reason is that God uniquely ministered to my soul and my body as I sang to Him from my soul. Fortunately for others around I was not singing with my mouth, but I was certainly singing—with my soul.

Can I thrive while listening to these songs?  

Without doubt, music and the ability to listen to it is a gift from God! Back to my usual question to myself—can I thrive while basking in the music and words of these songs? I certainly can—and for that I deeply praise God!!


  1. Ah yes, I remember "Find Us Faithful". A reminder and a challenge. Thanks for sharing these songs, Don! --Jim G.

    1. Thanks, Jim! Yes that song is a real encouragement and challenge to me.

  2. Don. Thanks for passing on the music that has calmed your soul. Recognize "It is Well", "Eye of the Storm", and "Find Us Faithful" have all ministered to me personally in the past and your reminded most appreciated. Keep on keepin' on, Bro.Don. in His love. D+J

    1. Thanks Dick! YOU are an encouragement to me! God bless you Brother!

  3. Thank you, Brother Don. As the Spaffords' story has done, your sharing your story has blessed and encouraged all of us. God is so good!!

  4. The Anchor Holds by Ray Boltz is my go to song right now. Your posts are a blessing. We’re praying for you and your family.

    1. Jean, good to hear from you! That song has meant a lot to me! Send prayer requests if we can be praying for you!


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