Post #43 -- The Gift of Perseverance

I confess there are times when I almost tell myself, “This is just too tough to handle,” and want to give up.  But immediately a thought from 2 Corinthians 4:16 crashes into my brain, “Therefore, we do not give up,” and I sense a new pump of adrenaline keeping me going.  Is “perseverance” a gift from God?  I’m not certain, but it definitely seems that at the right times God gives us what we need to persevere in running the journey—not out of our own strength, but out of His. 

The purpose of this post is to ruminate on the thought of perseverance and discuss how this helps us thrive.  Maybe “ruminate” is a new word for you.  I remember my dad talking to me about chewing on God’s Word and using the cows on our farm as an example.  You see, cows eat grass, then typically lie down and continue chewing their slightly chewed and swallowed cud.  (Cud is the portion of food returned from a cow’s first stomach to her mouth to be chewed for the second time).  Cows have four stomachs.  Their cud is regurgitated, chewed some more, and then is sent to a different stomach—and the cows continue to chew.  Oh my, how did I ever get on this?  

At any rate, there is value in continuing to thoroughly chew on thoughts that God may have put into our minds.  Our purpose here is to do that for the word “perseverance.”


The dictionary tells us that “perseverance” is “persistence in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.”

Perseverance is breaking through those walls of difficulty, whatever they may be, and pressing on to achieve the desired goal.


God has much to say about pressing on with perseverance to run the race.  Here’s a sampling of statements from Scripture:

And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope” (Romans 5:3-4).

Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him”  (James 1:12).

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it” (1 Corinthians 9:24).

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4).

God makes it clear that perseverance is a good thing and that HE will reward it. It is very interesting to note that perseverance not only enables us to break through the walls of difficulties, but also contributes to our growth in character which, in turn, leads to hope.  We are blessed when we persevere!  What a blessing that is!

Scripture is also replete with examples of perseverance.  Here are a few.  

Job lived with great dignity and perseverance.  His example was one of extreme pain and sorrow in the midst of rejection by friends closest to him. Yet through it all, Job stayed true to God and his faith.

Joseph persevered through being unmercifully thrown into a deep well and then being sold into slavery by his brothers.  In time, he was sent to prison for his moral purity and rose to become high in leadership next only to the king of Egypt. 

Jeremiah was blessed by God and tasked with preaching God’s word to his people. He is an example of perseverance by continuing to preach and teach God’s word, despite all that was done to him.

The Apostle Paul is a great example of perseverance in the face of all kinds of persecution after his conversion from persecuting Christians to being persecuted for being one.

Jesus Himself provides the greatest example of perseverance. He persevered through agony on the cross and gave His life so that each of us can live. He taught us how to live and die by His example.

God is obviously concerned about helping us as his followers to victoriously persevere.


But now, allow me to share a bit on how I’ve experienced perseverance in my current medical journey.  Again, as I’ve said on occasion, this is not a “woe-is-me” thing or a pity party, but instead a time of rejoicing that God indeed meets our deepest needs.

In a general way, the journey these days is quite different from what I’ve experienced in the past, requiring a new sense of trusting God for perseverance.  It’s in those ADLs (the Activities of Daily Living) that the rubber hits the road—the challenge to adjust to needing the careful assistance of everyone around me, of needing to carefully plan the activities of the day so as to conserve energy, and of learning to do those normal activities of life much more slowly, again so as to conserve energy.  These issues may not be monumental in and of themselves, but when hit with all of them over a period of time, one greatly appreciates the ability to persevere.

Probably the most difficult times for me are those times of rather intense coughing, often first thing in the morning and sometimes the last thing at night.  This does not happen every morning or night, but requires my full attention when it does happen. My saturated blood oxygen drops dangerously low, necessitating my having to quickly increase the flow of supplemental oxygen.  I find that in moments like these, in a state of high stress, I often cannot recall the complete verses that would normally comfort me.  But I can recall and am tremendously comforted by breathing back to God from a “short list” of key phrases from these verses, like:

    • “… God remains the strength of my heart”  (Psalm 73:26 NLT).
    • “… your wraparound presence becomes my shield” (Psalm 119:114 TPT).
    • “Therefore, we do not lose heart … “ (2 Corinthians 4: 16 NIV) 
    • “My grace is sufficient for you … ”  (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV)
    • … and by His stripes we are healed”  (Isaiah 53:5 NIV).

I visualize this journey as attempting to try to avoid the big potholes in my medical journey, but in those times when I do fall into one of these potholes, these verse phrases generally give me the strength to climb out.

I generally don’t look forward to the thrill of shower time several times a week.  Breathing is especially labored during these times.  But at least the rigors of shower times are predictable and I can get myself fortified with the essential life-saving verses prior to stepping into the shower.

Further, the ADLs—like brushing teeth, visiting the bathroom, getting dressed, etc.—are becoming more difficult, but I know if needed, God’s enabling strength is available to me and will help me persevere.


Let’s face it, perseverance is hard work. It requires determination, grit, and the ability to hang in there long enough to see results.  But with God’s help each of us can persevere. I titled this post, “The Gift of Perseverance.”  Is perseverance a “gift” from God?  Frankly, after pondering this question for some time, I’m not sure.  But I am quite sure that God’s gift to us is His strength and the ability to persevere.  And for that, I deeply thank Him!

While perseverance might be difficult and unpleasant at times, I can tell you: It is possible!  And I praise Him and rejoice in the fact that the fruit of this perseverance is the ability to move victoriously from surviving to thriving!  Thank you, Jesus,  for the ability to persevere!


  1. Thanks so very much, dear Don, for sharing your journey with God through this challenging illness. You are such an encouragement to me! God is using you tremendously!

  2. Once again your thoughts and transparency have been on point. Thanks for sharing your journey anday the Lord continue to give you peace, comfort and hope by His grace. Dick T

    1. Don, thanks for persevering and continuing to make yourself available to God. He's using you powerfully! You're a great example. Prayers continue. Jim G.


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