
Showing posts from July, 2022

Post # 14 -- When the Boundary Doesn't Make Sense

Let’s face it, there are times in life when the journey simply does not make sense — when there are more questions than answers and it’s difficult to understand and appreciate the boundary we’re experiencing.   In times like this, do we fret over the unanswered questions or are we able to somehow see a larger picture and trust God to have it under control?   In our last post (Post #13) we explored what it looks like trying to appreciate “self-imposed” boundaries in our lives — limits that we have set for ourselves by following proper priorities and wise decision making.  We explored the power of Psalm 16:5-6 — ‘’ Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup.  You make my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.  Surely I have a delightful inheritance. ”  I’ve defined a “boundary” (for me, at least) to be a “limit” or “fence” within which I feel the pleasure of God, but whenever I step outside that limit I potentially step into murky waters and reap a natura

Post # 13 -- Appreciating Boundaries

  One of the “Defining Moments” of my life has been learning to appreciate the value of boundaries.   Or maybe I should say: I’m beginning to learn to appreciate the value of boundaries — as I’m still in the process of learning.   Psalm 16:5-6 (NIV) says, — “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”  David, the psalmist, here was probably rejoicing over the stone boundaries that defined his physical fields.  But there’s also a potential application for me (and maybe you too) in identifying and properly responding to the boundaries that God naturally allows into our lives.  Will I fight those boundaries or will I learn from them and grow? What is a “boundary”? I’ve admitted in a previous post that I’m naturally a hard-charging person with workaholic tendencies who loves big challenges.  I respond to challenges — not boundaries and certainly not lim

Post #12 -- Filled with Gratitude

Peanuts has got it right!   We choose to be either happy or glum.   We choose to appreciate what we have and what we’ve been blessed with — or we complain about what we don’t have with an unhappy face.   Unfortunately some days that complaining occurs naturally without even thinking about it!   Several years ago I began an almost-daily practice that is still feeding my soul, lifts me above the normal ripples of life, and helps me choose to be happy.   For the record, not every day is lived above those ripples and I’m not always smiling.   But this practice helps me move closer to my desired response to the goodness of God in my life. Let me again quote from my Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) journal, dated Thursday, May 30, 2019: “Looking forward to meeting with my pulmonologist tomorrow.  Expecting a report of growing regression within my lungs, but my faith continues in Jesus Christ.  It occurred to me this morning while lying in bed that a way to combat discouragement or depre