Post #25 -- Polishing Cloudy Marbles

I wake up most mornings thanking God for another shiny new marble and look forward to the day ahead! And most of those days are good. Unfortunately, on occasion the marble is a bit cloudy — and the day simply doesn’t go right. This post is about making that cloudy marble shine again. Obviously a quick back story is warranted here. As shared in an earlier post (Post #3), about eight years into this medical Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) journey, I read of a man who studied the actuarial tables and determined by those actuarial standards how many days he had yet to live. He then purchased a large glass jar and a number of marbles equal to the number of his remaining days and placed that glass jar with the marbles in his basement workroom. Each morning thereafter he’d go down to his basement workroom and remove a marble from that glass jar, thank God for that day, and ask God to help him use that day for His glory. In m...